Key of C major Open Chords

C Major Open Chords
Remember, the Key of C has seven notes that make up the scale. There are half steps between E and F and B and C.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The key of C also has seven chords that correspond with the notes of the scale.
--> In other words, the Key of C Major has seven notes, and seven chords.
The Chords are ordered consecutively 1-7. Each chord has a specific quality such as Major, Minor, Dominant, and half-diminished (also known as minor 7 flat 5).
It's most useful to think of the chord qualities in association with their scale degree:
Chords Qualities
C Major: 1 is always Major
D Minor: 2 is always Minor
E Minor: 3 is always Minor
F Major: 4 is always Major
G Dominant: 5 is always Dominant
A Minor: 6 is always Minor
B -7 b5 :7 is always half diminished or Minor 7 flat 5.
All the Major Chords are 1 4 and 5. A quick way to remember the major chords is to say "1 plus 4 equals 5." The math is not related to the music theory, its just an easy way to remember the major chords .
All the Minor Chords are 2 3 and 6. A quick way to remember the major chords is to say "2 times 3 equals 6." The math is not related to the music theory, its just an easy way to remember the minor chords .